Shelley Barnes Shelley Barnes

Vet Records Up to Date?

Vet Records Up to Date?

Traveling with pets can be tricky, especially if you plan to cross state or international borders. Each place may have varying rules regarding Fluffy, and you wouldn’t want to arrive only to be turned away by lack of proper documentation.


Traveling with pets can be tricky, especially if you plan to cross state or international borders. Each place may have varying rules regarding Fluffy, and you wouldn’t want to arrive only to be turned away by lack of proper documentation.

First check the requirements for your destination and any stops along the way. Make a note of what paperwork is needed, and share this information with your local vet. They can help you to get your friend up to date with shots, parasite screenings, and other common treatments. Be sure to request documentation verifying your pet’s safe status, and print a copy for yourself to keep in the car as well as a digital copy you can email or reference on your phone.

For more information about state-to-state rules and tips on getting your buddy ready to go, visit the USDA Travel Page. Bon voyage!

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